2.4 Cultural Connections

2.3 Available through:
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/richscriven/citl4
iTunes: itunes.apple.com/ie/podcast/littoral-space/id1454970013?mt=2
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2fDeSjwqm1YMLkOlZaMGG1

Stitcher: stitcher.com/podcast/littoral-space?refid=stpr

This episode focuses on the Lee is a cultural force in the life of Cork. It uses historical accounts, art works, and poetry to emphasise the importance of valuing the river. The installment also highlights potential threats to our personal and communal attachment to the river and the need to ensure we foster and encourage appreciations and sustainable uses of the Lee.

View of Cork from Audley Place c.1750 by John Butts from the Crawford Art Gallery collection (Cat. No. 299-P)  https://www.crawfordartgallery.ie/pages/paintings/JohnButts.html

View of Cork from Audley Place c.1750 by John Butts from the Crawford Art Gallery collection (Cat. No. 299-P) https://www.crawfordartgallery.ie/pages/paintings/JohnButts.html

Excerpts from The Banks Of My Own Lovely Lee by Dick Forbes and J.C. Flanahan are sung by Seán O’Sé. The opening and closing music is composed and played by Claire Layton; the field recordings are made and edited by Vicky Langan (www.vickylangan.com) and Richard Scriven, narration is provided by Ruth Harrington and Aisling White, and Joe Kiely gave production assistance. Cork is the Lee is co-created by geographer Dr Richard Scriven, with funding from Cork City Council’s Local Heritage Grant 2019.  This podcast is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, which means you can remix, tweak, and build upon this work for non-commercial purposes, as long as you credit us and license your new creations under the same terms; save for the materials from Cork Folklore Project who retain the copyright of those sections and the rendition of The Banks of My Own Lovely Lee. 



Littoral Space webpage: liminalentwinings.com/littoral-space-podcast/
Twitter: twitter.com/LittoralSpace
Instagram: www.instagram.com/littoralspaces/

Dr Richard Scriven tweets at: twitter.com/RichardScrivGeo

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